Saturday, April 13, 2013

My new Kitty^^

Just what I've promise, I'm still keeping this blog of mine. :)

Say hello to our new adopted kitten, "Mochi" is the name and yep its a male kitten. My sister is the one who decided to name it like that, I believe it is a Japanese ice cream thingy that I haven't tasted yet haha

We're still not sure about his real breed or if he really has a breed~ LOL His fur was dark grayish and his eyes is green, we even think that he's a Russian blue cat but anyway let's just wait until he's full grown. :3

"I don't want to take picture"~ XD

always love to play :3

He's not used on taking pictures, that's why most of it was just stolen or we have to use force, haha he's really a shy type grr... XD

And here's my late cat which I really really love and missed so much. She died exactly when she turns to 9 years old :'( We just lately found out that she has breed, a Brown Tortie one.