Saturday, August 4, 2012

DC in Big Screen

It's been awhile since my last post, been so busy with my life because of my new job. Anyway, erase that! I'm here with my own world *grins* Did you read the title of this post? Yeah, that's right! It's first time in the history, I mean its my first time to watch my favorite series in BIG SCREEN!!! I know in Japan the movie itself was being show in Cinemas, as for me its really an awesome experience because it was first time that an Anime movie was being screened here in my country hahaha I'm such a childish and I can't help it! XD

Not only the Movie 14 of Detective Conan was being screened, also a movie of FullMetal Alchemist entitled: The Sacred Star of Milo. Well, I'm also a fan of FMA but my sister and I didn't watch it. We head home immediately after the movie because of the bad weather that day. :)
Yep, this was actually taken inside the Cinema hohoho~
See the sign on the left "FIRE EXIT" and "NO SMOKING"? hahaha its a proof that I'm taking pictures inside!~LOL I'm not pirating this ok! :P